2024 Businesswoman of the Year Nominations
The award is intended to honor an outstanding woman who has made a significant contribution to the Opelika community, inspires, and uplifts those around her.
Nominees may be self-nominated and must live or work in Opelika.
In your own words, tell us why your nominee is deserving of the Businesswoman of the Year Award. Please be as detailed as possible, as the awards committee is comprised of individuals outside of our community and will rely solely on the information provided in your nomination. Supporting documentation can be emailed to Mackenzie@opelikachamber.com as well. Details should include information such as:
- How has she made an impactful difference in her organization or community
- Examples if exceptional leadership on the job, volunteer work, friendships, or family
- Personal achievements and leadership roles
- How she uses her talents to articulate a dream or inspire others to follow
Fields marked with an * are required.